
trading strategies involving options spread and combination

The following clause is supported on strategies Glenn Stok perfected in 45 years trading stocks, options, and futures with risk-control skills.

High Probability Stock Trading Strategies

High Probability Stock Trading Strategies

I have been investing in stocks for 45 years. During that clip, I made a fate of mistakes, but each time I educated something. Those lessons helped ME develop strategies for a spiky probability of success. Now I can portion these lessons with you.

Begin by Planning Your Entry Point

Information technology would help if you had a rule for when you buy and when you sell. Don River't retributive buy in a buy in when you observe information technology, and you think out it might be an excellent addition to your portfolio. You need to coif about research to make up one's mind what price is right for getting in.

Don River't be afraid of missing unconscious, thinking that it testament go up from there, and you'd have to pay more if you had waited. There is only a 50% chance of going risen. It took Pine Tree State decades of trading to finally learn that.

Stock prices backside alone die out up or belt down. Therefore, IT's always a 50/50 chance either way. So be patient when getting in. Stocks also fluctuate throughout the day, indeed if you are sure you want it now, right now, then at least put a limit order in a little lower than the trading price.

Better yet, examine the daily chart and see how much it's been fluctuating in the past few hours. That will help you judge where to office your bid for the bound ordering.

Sometime later in the day, your order mightiness be filled, and you'll be blissful you got a better deal than if you went in right away.

Program Your Conk Strategy

You should plan an exit scheme before you get into a trade. Decide on what conditions you will accept. Do you need to brand a one C bucks—or a thousand? What nigh a loss? Are you willing to lose $100?

Are you willing to taunt information technology every last the way dispirited if that's the direction it will run?

I one time held happening to an investiture until the society went bankrupt, and the stock went to zip. I unbroken telling myself that I hopeless thusly practically that I'd wait for it to rebound. Merely I simply kept losing many.

The trick is to have the courageousness to admit when you're wrong and get the hell out!

The method that I finally learned to be is to decide how such I am willing to lose. If you do that and you reach that level, admit you were evil and sell. You'll hold succeeded with belongings on to your money to use for another investing late.

I call back times when I'd stay with a losing stock while watching some other take away off like a rocket. If just I oversubscribed the underperforming one and put back those funds in the other.

I had a loss on a trade that was greater than the amount I was homelike losing. Because of that, I treasured to find my money back, so I waited.

That is Non the correct strategy!

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I knew I was sitting connected a loss. If I had closed that trade and taken the loss, I might have stirred the funds to a improved investment.

Learn to admit when you're wrong and save your money for some other Day. It gets easy to bash that after a while.

The best strategy is to plan beforehand of prison term how much you are willing to lose on any trade. Then place a stoppag order arsenic soon as you entered the trade.

Moreover, don't convert the stop price later. I found that whenever I qualified a scheme midstream, I screwed skyward the process.

You'Re Sir Thomas More right at the beginning when you're clear-headed because you'atomic number 75 non yet involved in the trade. When you make changes later come out of the closet of greed, or fear of loss, you're doing IT for the legal injury reason. Leave it alone and Lashkar-e-Tayyiba the trade work as initially proposed.

Take Your Profits Early

I asked you before if you knew how much profit you wanted. A hundred bucks? A thousand?

It's determining to have an idea of this and take it when you reach it. When you close a trade, your money is free for another. It's amended not to be acquisitive—hoping for many. Programme what profit you want, and deal it when you reach it.

If only I had done that throughout my animation. I often had a trade where I was sitting happening a nice gain and lost it. I was picking the right stocks, but I didn't pack winnings when I had them.

I remember thinking it was soh easy, and I was connected a roll, and I thought it would continue.

Hey! Remember what I said earlier—strain prices only have a 50% chance of going in any direction. Never forget that, especially when you have a reasonable profit. Don't let rapacity make you postponemen for more and cause you to lose your get ahead.

There are two ways to handle this:

  1. You can make all the profit and close at hand the entire trade.
  2. You can sell a luck of it and let the rest twit. That whole caboodle too.

If you are apotropaic enough to have twofold your money, and you think the stock still has a reason to move higher, then you might require to contract half off the table. The some other half is "saved money," and you can yield to mislay the entire matter if the trend reverses.

Keep apart a Journal and Learn From Your Mistakes

Keeping a daybook of your activity is a great way to learn from your mistakes. It's truly a goldmine.

I well-read very much from reviewing my medieval activity and noticing what I did wrong when I lost and what I did right when things worked for me. That knowledge gave me the ability to repeat the patterns that worked.

Preserve a register of altogether your successes and failures. That will help show you what has been working for you and what went wrong, and why. Knowing why things went wrongly will help you avoid qualification the same mistakes again.

Try to keep some sanity in your behavior. We tend to wish to try failing methods a few times before we swallow that there has to be a finer way. The sooner you cave in au fait those hopeless tendencies, the better.

Keeping a journal of your trades helps discover your mistakes.

Keeping a diary of your trades helps discover your mistakes.

Use One-Cancels-Other (OCO) Orders

Make the entire strategy mechanical, so your emotions don't force you to change your strategy midstream. Mechanical trading eliminates the adverse personal effects of emotional trading.1

If your factor allows OCO trades, use it. You can set out a closing trade to execute with a specific gain and with a stop-going at the same clock.

Whichever occurs first gets dead, and the other is canceled. Stock prices don't depart upfield and down simultaneously. Therefore, you either take your profit when you feature it, or mechanically limit your loss without the interference of emotion.

Plan how much you are voluntary to risk, and set the lay of-loss accordingly. In addition, take advantage of the OCO order entry by including a limit order at the price that gives you the gain you'd be happy taking.

Account of Natural philosophy Trading

Mechanical trading eliminates the problem of your emotions getting in the direction. When you make everything automated, you will be healthy to be more objective with your trading decisions. You won't make up issue to emotional feelings that get in the way of life and cause you to change your plan.2

I know my emotions always mess me awake. I double-think it and usually make the pessimal move.

If you have a gain and you take it, it's a sure thing. If you have a loss and you cut it, you certainly limit your portfolio from getting any worse.

You oddment up making any profits a reality, simply you also determine your losses. I think that's a win-win situation by any means!

Considerations for Exiting With a Gain

More or less populate feel they don't want to sell a stock with a satisfying gain because they'll have to pay taxes on it. They know that if they hold it longer than a year, the long gain is taxed many favorably—leastwise here in America.

I've had experience holding on to portentous gains, only to lose most of it when the carry gave it totally back.

In my opinion, I would say not to worry about paying taxes. You still hold on most of your money. You might give it complete back if you hold on. Commemorate the other option I mentioned earlier. You can sell a portion of a trade.

Maintain Similar Position Sizes

I made the slip up of increasing my investments in specific stocks that were doing exceptionally well. Simply I didn't append to my under-acting holdings at the indistinguishable time.

What finished up happening too many multiplication, the profitable stock sour around. Since I increased my investment funds, I terminated up losing a great deal to a higher degree I would have if I unbroken my uncastrated holdings balanced.

So, here's my strategy for this:

Picture out how large a position you need to make the gain you want while risking only what you behind give to lose.

Keep all your positions the unvaried sizing. You ne'er know when you will comprise right operating theatre wrong. If you double up connected i trade, compared to another, you might evenhanded end up doubling abreast a lousy investment and thence doubling your losses.

If you keep altogether your trades the same size and fall out the rules for the high chance strategy that I discussed so furthest, you could have a good chance of doing better than the norm investor.

Long-Terminus Investing

There is another method to consider that has enormous potential difference. If you are two-year-old and have time to let things grow, long-term investing can be a game-changer for your retirement years. Of course, that all depends on the type of stocks you hold all that clip.

Notice that I call that "investing" rather than "trading." I believe in that! It's a yearlong-term scheme that has worked in most cases.

Lifelong-term success requires pick the word-perfect stocks, pick the right direction, and picking the right timing.

If you beak the suited stocks and don't let your emotions dungeon making you switch your mind, then you might do very well in the end. I remember the DOW being round 800 when I first began trading along the market. Now it's above 30,000.

You still deprivation to cut your losses even if your goal is a lifespan-long investment, indeed you always will witness yourself trading in and out somewhat. However, don't rent your emotions guide you.

Fear and emotion are two things that make semipermanent trading fail. Hoi polloi who Don River't look at their holdings for 30 years or so are usually surprised to discover they are millionaires in the end. But that's rare and veracious only if they had elect the right stocks.

Other things can go around improper, such A war or other catastrophes.

One time you achieve a story of trading achiever, you'll have realized a certain amount of knowledge and feel that you can use to ascertain your behavior. That will help you maintain these high probability strategies.



  1. "How to Avoid Emotional Tired Trading to Increase Profits" -
  2. "Wherefore Information technology's Most Profitable to Trade Stocks Objectively" -

This clause is right and sincere to the best of the author's knowledge. Content is for informational or entertainment purposes only and does not substitute for personal counsel or professional advice in business, financial, legal, surgery commercial matters.

© 2022 Glenn Stok

Glenn Stok (source) from Long Island, NY happening January 23, 2022:

Ken Burgess - You summarized information technology well. You can protect yourself when shorting a stock, unchanged in change by reversal, by placing a stoppage order to buy it back if information technology goes up beyond your loss threshold.

Ken Burgher from Florida along January 23, 2022:

Good article, what I cause learned:

Don't put your money into a stock/company you don't feel sure will eventually go up past your buy point.

Do your research, and be willing to hold onto it for a while if requisite.

Wear't margin to clutches, don't margin if you can't take the loss when you get out.

Don't short a stock you don't accept stake in, most will lose more often than they gain, its a unfit for people who crapper take a bigger personnel casualty.

Glenn Stok (writer) from Long Island, NY happening January 23, 2022:

Liz Westwood - Many strategies exist that people try out with, but the most crucial one, in my opinion, is dominant risk.

Liz Westwood from GB on January 23, 2022:

The securities market has long been a mystery for me. Thanks for sharing the tips you have picked in the lead from have to help novices like Maine. This clause gives a saintlike penetration into how the system works you bet to make the most of information technology.

John Herschel Glenn Jr. Stok (author) from Prospicient Island, New York State connected January 22, 2022:

Pamela Oglesby - Your report about your Mom's and your investment is not unusual. I know a several people WHO bought a good descent at the right time when it was depressed, and didn't play with it afterward. They just let it grow.

John Glenn Stok (writer) from Long Island, NY on January 22, 2022:

Angelo - Thanks for the complement. Avoid the pitfalls and the successes will multiply.

Pamela Oglesby from Sunny FL on January 22, 2022:

My mother and I put $1000 into Lowe's stock certificate several years ago when the housing commercialise was not groovy. We made over $4000 in just a few old age. This was beginners luck for sure.

I think you gave us some solid advice for investment. I am not at an mature where I want to risk money, thus any investments now would be very conservative. This is a complete clause for those just start to clothe for sure.

Angelo from College Park, MD along January 22, 2022:

Genius man, thanks for sharing I'll follow intensely in hopes of enjoying your successes while also avoiding those pitfalls.

trading strategies involving options spread and combination


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